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Thread Contributor: Master101Chieflaptop cooler

01-07-2012, 01:03 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-22-2012, 01:45 PM by Master101Chief.)
Information  laptop cooler
some people may know this but in the past I had some issues with the heat that my laptop generates(tops above 100 degrees)

so I and hunter solved this by make a DIY laptop coolerTongue
[Image: Foto04481.jpg]
it looks like that.

now a bit about how I and hunter made it some wood obivious XD, a few elektral wires, a simple usb cable and last 2 fans.

I and hunter first took 4 wooden planks and cut them to the size of my laptop.(2 in the lenght and 2 in the width)
followd by a wooden plate where I and hunter cut 2 big holes in it roughly on the place where my cpu and ram are located in my laptop.

[Image: Foto04521.jpg]
as you can see in the pic above I and hunter created some small holes in the side planks. these holes are there so my laptop fits in and it wont fall of (my laptop has there its rubers)
the rest of the holes is there cause my laptop has some lines on the botum.

finaly I and hunter clued these planks and plates together so I and hunter would have a flat plate where my laptop could stand on, but I would not have enought space for the fansSad
so I added 2 aditional stands on the sides in a angle of 30 degrees or soTongue

last it was time to add the fans them selfes and hook them up!
[Image: Foto04491.jpg]
so I and hunter cut a usb cable and searched for the + and - wires(in some usb cables these will be collared red and black(they will probally be on the sides)
I and hunter added these + and - wires to the + and - of the fans and it was finished.
btw the fans are normal 12 volt fans they do work on a 5 volt usb plug but not as good as 12 volts ofcourse!
maybe it is obivious but the fans are hooked up to my laptop via the usb plug.

last it works like a charm even during serieus gaming my laptop stay about 90 degrees witch is 20 to 30 degrees lower then normal (during gaming my laptop overheated and shut itself down max temperture is somewhere near 110 degrees)

always in for helping!
[Image: smokesigsmall.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Master101Chief for this post:
01-22-2012, 01:36 PM,
RE: laptop cooler
But i want part of the credit for this TongueTongue
All recourses came from me,
sssooo... replace all the "i"s with "me and hunter" and read again Wink
But it works perfectly idd.
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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Grunt666Hunter for this post:
01-22-2012, 01:41 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-22-2012, 06:22 PM by Master101Chief.)
RE: laptop cooler
true haha when I typed this he did not have acount yet so I didn't notice him!

happy now? changed it to I and hunter XD

always in for helping!
[Image: smokesigsmall.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Master101Chief for this post:
01-23-2012, 06:26 PM,
RE: laptop cooler
I like the cooler prototype. Genius idea! You two are the Electronics experts here.
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01-23-2012, 06:39 PM,
RE: laptop cooler
this is awesome!
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01-23-2012, 08:08 PM,
RE: laptop cooler
thanks razor and mg.
"simple" but still works great!

always in for helping!
[Image: smokesigsmall.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Master101Chief for this post:

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